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Displaying 341 - 350 of 687 results.
Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster)-Cotoneaster webworm Athrips rancidella Pest description and damage The cotoneaster webworm is a dark brown caterpillar, 0.25 to 0.5 inch in length. It typically webs leaves together and feeds within tubes snaking along the branch ...
Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster)-Spider mite Includes twospotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) and others Pest description and damage Several species of spider mites can cause damage in deciduous, evergreen, and coniferous ornamentals. Appearance of these mi ...
Image related to Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster)-Spider mite
Cottonwood (Populus)-Aphid Includes Poplar petiole gall aphid (Pemphigus populitransversus) Pemphigus populicaulis Pest description, damage, biology, and life history There are numerous aphid species on cottonwood. Some cause galls on the midrib or petiol ...
Cottonwood (Populus)-Azalea bark scale Eriococcus azaleae Pest description and damage Scale insects are small (less than 0.125 inch in length) soft insects that live beneath waxy scales. These insects are often identified by the shape and size of their sc ...
Image related to Cottonwood (Populus)-Azalea bark scale
Cottonwood (Populus)-Carpenterworm Prionoxystus robiniae Pest description and damage Carpenterworms are the larvae of a large, mottled gray and black moth whose size ranges from 1.75 to 3 inches in length. The caterpillars are greenish white to pinkish wi ...
Cottonwood (Populus)-Fall webworm Hyphantria cunea Pest description and damage These gregarious caterpillars spin web-like tents in branch tips of deciduous trees including apple, cherry, peach, pecan, English walnut, black walnut, ash, boxelder, birch, c ...
Image related to Cottonwood (Populus)-Fall webworm
Cottonwood (Populus)-Tent caterpillar Forest tent caterpillar (Malacosoma disstria) Western tent caterpillar (Malacosoma californica) Pest description and damage The western tent caterpillar attacks a wide variety of plants including alder, ash, birch, co ...
Cottonwood (Populus)-Satin moth Leucoma salicis Pest description and damage The adult moth (over 1-inch wingspan) is satiny white with black markings on the legs. The attractive caterpillars are approximately 2 inches long when grown and reddish brown wit ...
Image related to Cottonwood (Populus)-Satin moth
Crabapple, flowering (Malus)-Aphid Includes Apple aphid (Aphis pomi) Spirea aphid (Aphis spiraecola) Pest description and damage Several species of aphids may feed on the leaves, stems, flower buds, bark or root tissues of conifer and deciduous trees, shr ...
Crabapple, flowering (Malus)-Apple-and-thorn skeletonizer Choreutis pariana Pest description and damage The adult moth is reddish brown, with a wingspread less than 0.5 inch, and irregular light and dark bands on the wings. Larvae are 0.5 inch in length, ...
Image related to Crabapple, flowering (Malus)-Apple-and-thorn skeletonizer