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Displaying 311 - 320 of 687 results.
Birch (Betula)-Carpenterworm Prionoxystus robiniae Pest description and damage Carpenterworms are the larvae of a large, mottled gray and black moth whose size ranges from 1.75 to 3.0 inches in length. The caterpillars are white to pinkish red with a dark ...
Birch (Betula)-Fall webworm Hyphantria cunea Pest description and damage These gregarious caterpillars spin web-like tents in branch tips of deciduous trees including apple, cherry, peach, pecan, English walnut, black walnut, ash, boxelder, birch, chokech ...
Image related to Birch (Betula)-Fall webworm
Birch (Betula)-Sawfly Birch sawfly (Arge pectoralis) Dusky birch sawfly (Nematus latitarsus) Pest description and damage Mature birch sawfly larvae are yellowish with rows of black spots along the abdomen and 0.75 inch in length. The head is reddish yello ...
Birch (Betula)-Tent caterpillar Forest tent caterpillar (Malacosoma disstria) Western tent caterpillar (Malacosoma californica) Pest description and damage The western tent caterpillar attacks a wide variety of plants including alder, ash, birch, cottonwo ...
Black locust (Robinia)-Locust borer Megacyllene robiniae Pest description and damage The adult locust borer is a conspicuous and brightly colored beetle. Its jet-black body is encircled in yellow bands, with a distinctive W-shaped band extending across th ...
Black walnut (Juglans)-Fall webworm Hyphantria cunea Pest description and damage These gregarious caterpillars spin web-like tents in branch tips of deciduous trees including apple, cherry, peach, pecan, English walnut, black walnut, ash, boxelder, birch, ...
Image related to Black walnut (Juglans)-Fall webworm
Boxelder (Acer negundo)-Western boxelder bug Boisea rubrolineata Pest description and damage The adult boxelder bug is a red, flat, and elongate bug about 0.5 inch in length. The front wings and thorax are gray-black to black with thin bright red markings ...
Boxwood (Buxus)-Boxwood leafminer Monarthropalpus flavus Pest description and damage The adult is a small (0.1 inch in length) orange to yellow fly which emerges in early May. Eggs are laid and the larval stage begins to mine the tissue of leaves. The box ...
Boxwood (Buxus)-Boxwood psyllid Spanioneura buxi Pest description and damage This distinctive green adult psyllid is about 0.125 inch in length and has an orange abdominal tip. Adult psyllids resemble aphids but can jump and fly. The immature psyllids (ny ...
Image related to Boxwood (Buxus)-Boxwood psyllid
Boxwood (Buxus)-Boxwood spider mite Eurytetranychus buxi Pest description and damage The adult is around 0.015 inch in length, and a greenish to brown mite. Their feeding causes small whitish, yellowish, or bronze streaks that look like pinpoint stippling ...