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Displaying 231 - 240 of 687 results.
Kinnikinnick (Arctostaphylos)-Aphid Includes manzanita leafgall aphid (Tamalia coweni) See: Common Pests of Nursery Crops Pest description and crop damage Aphids are grayish or greenish and prefer new growth. The manzanita leafgall aphid feeds on the leav ...
Oak, Garry (Quercus)-Pit scale Asterodiaspis species See: Common Pests of Nursery Crops Pest description and crop damage Adult scale are covered with a hard shell and are about 0.06 inch in diameter. They may be brown, gold, or greenish. They feed on twig ...
Nursery crop pests-Scale Pest description and crop damage There are two types of scale commonly encountered: hard scale and soft scale. Hard scale tend to be fairly small in size and lie flatter against the stems than do soft scale. Soft scale is often ve ...
Nursery crop pests-Weevil Pest Description and Damage Black vine weevil is not always the most common weevil to infest landscape plants. In several landscapes in Oregon, the strawberry root weevil and obscure root weevil were dominant, and in Washington o ...
Image related to Nursery crop pests-Weevil
Alder (Alnus)-Sawfly Birch sawfly (Arge pectoralis) Green alder sawfly (Monsoma pulveratum) Striped alder sawfly (Hemichroa crocea) Woolly alder sawfly (Eriocampa ovata) Pest description and damage The larvae of these sawflies are sporadic pests of alder ...
Turfgrass-Earthworm Includes nightcrawler (Lumbricus terrestris) Pest description and crop damage Earthworm bodies are long and worm-like, usually from one to six inches long. The body is segmented. Earthworms are beneficial in soil for aeration, water pe ...
Macrohaltica (Alnus)-Flea beetle Macrohaltica flea beetle (Macrohaltica ambiens) Pest description and damage Adults are dark, shiny blue, and about 0.25 inch in length. Larvae are black and about 0.25 inch in length at maturity. Adults chew holes in leave ...
Aspen (Populus tremuloides)-Leaf blotchminer Phyllonorycter apparella See: Common Pests of Nursery Crops Pest description and crop damage Adults of this insect are tiny moths. Early instar larvae are flat. The larvae produce blotched mines, which may be m ...
Azalea (Rhododendron)-Spider mite Oligonychus ilicis (Tetranychus spp.) See: Common Pests of Nursery Crops Azalea (Rhododendron) Spider mite ...
Image related to Azalea (Rhododendron)-Spider mite
Bamboo (Bambusa and others)-Bamboo spider mite Stigmeopsis (Schizotetranychus) Stigmaeopsis celarius See: Common Pests of Nursery Crops Pest description and crop damage Bamboo mites have a flattened body, which is straw-colored to greenish yellow with sma ...