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Displaying 221 - 230 of 687 results.
Viburnum (Viburnum)-Root weevil Otiorhynchus spp. See: Common Pests of Nursery Crops Viburnum (Viburnum) Root weevil ...
Willow (Salix)-Carpenterworm Prionoxystus robinae Pest description and crop damage Large white grub (1 to 3 inches), bores holes 0.5 inch in diameter in trunk and main branches, and eventually kills trees. Adult moth, which is speckled gray, causes no dam ...
Willow (Salix)-Giant willow aphid Lachnus salignis and other species See: Common Pests of Nursery Crops Pest description and crop damage Large gray to gray-black aphids often are in large numbers on twigs, branches, and trunk. Their legs generally are lig ...
Willow (Salix)-Poplar-and-willow borer Cryptorhynchus lapathi See: Poplar (Populus)-Poplar-and-willow borer Willow (Salix) Poplar-and-willow borer ...
Image related to Willow (Salix)-Poplar-and-willow borer
Willow (Salix)-Satin moth Leucoma salicis Pest description and crop damage Adult moth is satiny white. Larvae are approximately 2 inches long when grown, reddish brown, with white patches on top and tufts of hairs along sides. They can seriously defoliate ...
Image related to Willow (Salix)-Satin moth
Willow (Salix)-Spiny elm caterpillar (mourningcloak butterfly) Nymphalis antiopa Pest description and crop damage Adult is a large butterfly, with purplish brown wings bordered with a wide yellow stripe inside of which is a row of blue or purple spots. La ...
Image related to Willow (Salix)-Spiny elm caterpillar (mourningcloak butterfly)
Yew (Taxus)-Cottony camellia scale Pulvinaria floccifera Yew (Taxus) Cottony camellia scale ...
Image related to Yew (Taxus)-Cottony camellia scale
Yew (Taxus)-Lecanium scale Lecanium spp. Yew (Taxus) Lecanium scale ...
Image related to Yew (Taxus)-Lecanium scale
Yew (Taxus)-Root weevil Otiorhynchus spp. See: Common Pests of Nursery Crops Yew (Taxus) Root weevil ...
Yew (Taxus)-Spider mite (false) Pentamerismus taxi Pest description and crop damage Deep red, small, short-leg mite, generally flattened. This mite generally is found on yew but also on other evergreens. Management-biological control Spider mites have man ...