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Displaying 141 - 150 of 687 results.
Oak, Garry (Quercus)-Oak skeletonizer Bucculatrix albertiella Pest description and crop damage This insect also is known as the oak ribbed casemaker. The adult moth is mottled white, brown, and black with a wingspread of about 0.33 inch. The mature larvae ...
Oak, Garry (Quercus)-Western oak looper Lambdina fiscellaria somniaria Pest description and crop damage The adult moth is yellowish to dark brown. Mature larvae of the western oak looper are about 1 inch long and light brown with black spots when mature. ...
Peach, flowering (Prunus)-Aphid Includes Myzus persicae and other species See: Common Pests of Nursery Crops Pest description and crop damage Several aphid species attack peaches, including the green peach aphid, mealy plum aphid, and rusty plum aphid. Gr ...
Image related to Peach, flowering (Prunus)-Aphid
Peach, flowering (Prunus)-Leafroller Several species Pest description and crop damage There are several species of leafroller pests of fruit trees. These are larvae of several moth species which use native plants as hosts as well as fruit trees. They all ...
Peach, flowering (Prunus)-Peach silver mite Vasates cornutus Pest description and crop damage Peach silver mites are tiny, four legged eriophyid mites, yellow to pinkish white, and somewhat wedge-shaped. On rare occasions when very high populations of pea ...
Peach, flowering (Prunus)-Peachtree borer Synanthedon exitiosa See: Apricot, flowering (Prunus)-Peachtree borer Peach, flowering (Prunus) Peachtree borer ...
Image related to Peach, flowering (Prunus)-Peachtree borer
Peach, flowering (Prunus)-Peach twig borer Anarsia lineatella See: Apricot, flowering (Prunus)-Peach twig borer Peach, flowering (Prunus) Peach twig borer ...
Image related to Peach, flowering (Prunus)-Peach twig borer
Peach, flowering (Prunus)-Spider mite Tetranychus spp. See: Apricot, flowering (Prunus)-Spider mite Peach, flowering (Prunus) Spider mite ...
Image related to Peach, flowering (Prunus)-Spider mite
Photinia (Photinia)-Aphid See: Common Pests of Nursery Crops Photinia (Photinia) Aphid ...
Photinia (Photinia)-Root weevil See: Common Pests of Nursery Crops Photinia (Photinia) Root weevil ...