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Displaying 321 - 328 of 328 results.
Potato, Irish-Stink bug Pentatomidae- several species Pest description and crop damage Stink bugs that damage potatoes are usually large (0.37 inch), green, shield-shaped bugs. In the Columbia Basin, Chlorochroa is a common genus affecting potatoes. They ...
Potato, Irish-Thrips Onion thrips (Thrips tabaci) Western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) Pest description and crop damage Thrips are minute, slender bodied insects (0.5 to 1.0 mm in length). Wings may be present or absent and are unlike normal ...
Potato, Irish-Tuberworm Potato tuberworm, potato tubermoth (Phthorimaea operculella) Pest description and crop damage During the growing season, tuberworm caterpillars feed as leaf miners inside leaves. They later may live inside stems or within groups of ...
Potato, Irish-Whitefly Includes greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) Pest description and crop damage Adults resemble tiny white moths about 0.1 inch long. Immature forms look like scale insects and are completely sedentary after the first nymp ...
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Potato, Irish-White grub Scarabaeidae Pest description and crop damage The term white grub is used for the larvae of any number of species of beetles in the family Scarabaeidae. Some of these are small beetles with larvae less than 0.5 inch long, while ot ...
Potato, Irish-Wireworm Includes Limonius spp. and Agriotes spp. P est description and crop damage Wireworms are the most important soil-dwelling pests infesting crops in the PNW. The adults, known as click beetles (Elateridae family) feed on flowers but d ...
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Potato, Irish-Slug Grey field slug or grey garden slug (Deroceras reticulatum) Pest description and crop damage This slug is native to northern Europe, North Africa, and the Atlantic Islands. It is present in the U.S. in several states and was first repor ...
Mushroom-Mushroom fly Cecid flies (Mycophila speyeri, Heteropeza pygmaea) House fly (Musca domestica) Phorid fly (Megaselia halterata) Sciarid fly (Lycoriella mali) Stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) Pest Biology and Crop Damage The morphology of most mushr ...
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