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Displaying 251 - 260 of 328 results.
Potato, sweet-Spider mite Tetranychus spp. Pest description and crop damage Several species of spider mite are common in the Pacific Northwest. Frequently, infestations include a mixture of spider mite species. Adult mites are about 0.06 inch long, have f ...

Potato, sweet-Wireworm Includes Ctenicera spp. Pest description and crop damage Wireworms are the soil-dwelling larvae of click beetles. Adult click beetles are slender, tan to nearly black, and about 0.37 inch long. Larvae are hard, segmented, 0.37 to 0. ...
Pumpkin and squash-Aphid Includes Bean aphid (Aphis fabae) Melon aphid (Aphis gossypii) Potato aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbiae) Pest description and crop damage The bean aphid is dark olive green to black with light-color legs. It is usually more of an earl ...

Pumpkin and squash-Cucumber beetle Western spotted cucumber beetle (Diabrotica undecimpunctata) Western striped cucumber beetle (Acalymma trivittatum) Pest description and crop damage The western spotted cucumber beetle is yellowish green, 0.25 inch long, ...

Pumpkin and squash-Nitidulid beetle Several species Pest description and crop damage Nitidulid beetles are shiny black beetles about 0.19 inch long. The pollen-seeking adults damage flowers. Browned flowers are unattractive to pollinators. Management-chem ...
Pumpkin and squash-Seedcorn maggot Delia platura Pest description and crop damage The seedcorn maggot adult is a slender, light gray fly about 0.19 inch long. It looks much like a small housefly. The whitish eggs have slightly raised ridges running the le ...

Pumpkin and squash-Slug Includes Arion spp. Black greenhouse slug (Milax gagates) Gray field slug (Derocerus reticulatum) Large spotted garden slug (Limax maximus) Marsh slug (Derocerus laeve) Reticulated slug (Prophysaon andersoni) Pest description, crop ...

Pumpkin and squash-Spider mite Tetranychus spp. Pest description and crop damage Several species of spider mite are common in the Pacific Northwest. Frequently, infestations include a mixture of spider mite species. Adult mites are about 0.06 inch long, h ...

Pumpkin and squash-Squash bug Anasa tristis Pest description, crop damage and life history See: Common Pests of Vegetable Crops Pest description and crop damage The adult squash bug is flat-backed, brownish black, and measures about 0.62 inch long. Older ...

Pumpkin and squash-Wireworm Limonius spp. Pest description, crop damage and life history See: Common Pests of Vegetable Crops Management-biological, cultural, tactical See: Potato, Irish-Wireworm Management-chemical control: HOME USE bifenthrin (often as ...