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Displaying 161 - 170 of 328 results.
Endive (Escarole)-Aphid Includes green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) Pest description, crop damage and life history See: Common Pests of Vegetable Crops Management-cultural control Aphid populations tend to be higher in plants that are fertilized liberally ...

Endive (Escarole)-Beet armyworm Spodoptera exigua Pest description and crop damage Beet armyworm moths have a wingspan no larger than 1.25 inches and are mottled gray and brown, with irregular banding and a light-color, bean-shaped spot. Eggs are pale gre ...

Endive (Escarole)-Looper Includes alfalfa looper (Autographa californica) Pest description and crop damage Alfalfa looper adults are brownish moths with distinctive silvery figures on the front wings. Eggs are ridged and dome-shaped and usually laid singl ...

Endive (Escarole)-Wireworm Limonius spp. Pest description, crop damage and life history See: Common Pests of Vegetable Crops Management-biological, cultural, tactical See: Potato, Irish-Wireworm Management-chemical control: HOME USE cyfluthrin zeta-cyperm ...

Garlic-Armyworm and cutworm Includes Beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua) Bertha armyworm (Mamestra configurata) Western yellowstriped armyworm (Spodoptera praefica) Black cutworm (Agotis ipsilon) Variegated cutworm (Peridroma saucia) Pest description, crop ...

Garlic-Bulb mite Includes Rhyzoglyphus spp. Tyrophogus spp. Pest description and crop damage Shiny, cream-color mites. Damage results from mites penetrating the outer layer of bulb tissue, which allows entry of disease organisms. Bulb mites can reduce gar ...
Garlic-Garden symphylan Scutigerella immaculata Pest description and crop damage See: Common Pests of Vegetable Crops Biology and life history See: Common Pests of Vegetable Crops Biology and Control of the Garden Symphylan Pest monitoring Infested soil c ...
Garlic-Thrips Includes Onion thrips (Thrips tabaci) Western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) Pest description, crop damage and life history See: Common Pests of Vegetable Crops Adults overwinter in trash, under bark, and in other protected place ...

Garlic-Wireworm Limonius spp. Pest description, crop damage and life history See: Common Pests of Vegetable Crops Management-cultural control Crop rotation is an important practice for controlling wireworms in garlic. Soil fumigation rarely is used in gar ...

Horseradish-Aphid Includes Cabbage aphid (Brevicoryne brassicae) Turnip aphid (Hyadaphis pseudobrassicae) Pest description, crop damage and life history See: Common Pests of Vegetable Crops Management-chemical control: HOME USE Apply to both tops and unde ...