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Displaying 51 - 60 of 131 results.
Cherry-Cutworm (climbing) Many species, including variegated cutworm (Peridroma saucia) Pest description and crop damage Larvae can be brown, gray, or greenish and range from 0.25 to 1.25 inches long. They are most damaging to trees that have high weeds a ...
Cherry-Earwig Primarily European earwig (Forficula auricularia) Pest description and crop damage Earwigs are elongate, flattened, reddish-brown insects about 0.75 inch long. They are identified easily by the forcep-like pincers on the end of the abdomen. ...
Image related to Cherry-Earwig
Cherry-Eyespotted bud moth Spilonota ocellana Pest description and crop damage Adults are grayish moths about 0.4 inch long with a wide white band on each forewing. Larvae are chocolate-brown with black heads, and up to one inch long. The larvae feed on t ...
Image related to Cherry-Eyespotted bud moth
Cherry-Fruittree leafroller Archips argyrospila Pest description and crop damage Mature larvae are 0.75 inch long and greenish with a black head. Overwintering eggs start hatching about the time trees begin to bloom. Newly hatched larvae may work into blo ...
Image related to Cherry-Fruittree leafroller
Cherry-Leafroller Obliquebanded leafroller (Choristoneura rosaceana) Pandemis leafroller (Pandemis pyrusana) Pest description and crop damage These are similar to fruittree leafroller, but they overwinter as larvae and produce two generations each year. P ...
Image related to Cherry-Leafroller
Cherry-Leaf crumpler and Mineola moth Leaf crumpler (Acrobasis indigenella) Mineola moth (Acrobasis tricolorella) Pest description and crop damage The leaf crumpler is a pest of a wide range of rosaceous plants, including native species like crabapple, or ...
Cherry-Lesser appleworm Grapholita prunivora Pest description and crop damage This is a tortricid pest similar in habit to Oriental fruit moth. The larvae feed inside the fruit; often entering through the calyx end. It is an internal fruit feeder. Lesser ...
Cherry-Pacific flatheaded borer Chrysobothris mali Pest description and crop damage The Pacific flatheaded borer is a pest of many different trees and shrubs, including most fruit trees. Adults are reddish bronze beetles with copper spots on wing covers, ...
Image related to Cherry-Pacific flatheaded borer
Cherry-Peachtree borer Synanthedon exitiosa Pest description and crop damage Peachtree borer is a clearwing moth native to North America and common in the Northwest. Adults are a metallic blue-black. The male moth may have bands of light yellow scales on ...
Image related to Cherry-Peachtree borer
Cherry-Prunus rust mite Aculus fockeui Pest description and crop damage The adult mite is a typical eriophyid mite with a cylindrical body, yellow in color early on but changing to brownish yellow or tan with age. The adults are minute and can barely be s ...