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Displaying 101 - 110 of 131 results.
Pear-Pearleaf blister mite See: Pear-Eriophyid mite Pear Pearleaf blister mite ...
Pear-Pear leafcurling midge Dasineura pyri Pest description and crop damage This adult is a very small fly less than 0.1 inch in length. The larvae are very small, legless and orange in color when young, aging to white in color. The feeding of the larvae ...
Pear-Pear psylla Cacopsylla pyricola Pest description and crop damage Pear psylla is one of the major pear pests in commercial orchards. The adult resembles a miniature cicada. Adults have two distinct forms, a summer and winter form, which differ in appe ...

Pear-Pear rust mite See: Pear-Eriophyid mite Pear Pear rust mite ...
Pear-Pear sawfly (pear slug) Caliroa cerasi Pest description and crop damage Pear sawfly is a European insect now found in most areas of the U.S. It attacks both pear and cherry, and also is found on mountain ash, hawthorn, and ornamental Prunus spp. The ...

Pear-Scale Oystershell scale (Lepidosaphes ulmi) San Jose scale (Quadraspidiotus perniciosus) Pest description and crop damage San Jose scale was introduced to the U.S. on flowering peach in the 1870s. It is now a pest of all fruit trees and many ornament ...

Pear-Spider mite Brown mite (Bryobia rubrioculus) European red mite (Panonychus ulmi) McDaniel mite (Tetranychus mcdanieli) Twospotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) Yellow spider mite (Eotetranychus carpini borealis) For mite identificatio n, see: Fie ...

Pear-Stink bug Consperse stink bug (Euschistus conspersus) and other stink bug species Also see: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug: An Emerging Threat to Pacific Northwest Agriculture Pest description and crop damage These insects have piercing, sucking mouthpar ...

Pear-Tent caterpillar Forest caterpillar (Malacosoma disstria) Western tent caterpillar (Malacosoma californica) Pest description and crop damage The western tent caterpillar and the forest caterpillar are the main tent caterpillar pests in the PNW. These ...

Pear-Thrips Includes Pear thrips (Taeniothrips inconsequens) Western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) Pest description and crop damage Adult western flower thrips are very small (about 0.04 inch in length at maturity), slender insects with fring ...