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Displaying 61 - 70 of 120 results.
Small grain-Grass bug Includes Black grass bug (Labops hesperius) Pacific grass bug (Irbisia pacifica) Pest description and crop damage This true bug is grayish black, about 0.25 inch long, and somewhat pear-shaped. Feeding causes pale spots on the leaves ...

Small grain-Grass sheathminer Cerodontha dorsalis and C. occidentalis Pest description and crop damage Adult is a tiny fly, approximately 0.18 inch long, dark with yellow on the head, body, and legs. Adults make feeding punctures on leaves. Larvae mine in ...
Small grain-Grasshopper Includes Clear-winged grasshopper (Camnula pellucida) Migratory grasshopper (Melanoplus sanguinipes) Pest description and crop damage Both young and adults do damage. They feed on foliage, heads, or often on stems just beneath the ...

Small grain-Haanchen barley mealybug Trionymus haancheni Pest description and crop damage Adult females are small (0.2 inch long), elongate, oval, segmented insects often covered with white, waxy secretions that extend as filaments along the edges of the ...
Small grain-Harvester ant Pogonomyrmex spp. Pest description and crop damage Large reddish ants found east of the Cascades. They build soil and pebble mounds and destroy vegetation around the mounds. May sting viciously when disturbed. Management-chemical ...

Small grain-Hessian fly Mayetiola destructor Pest description and crop damage Adult is a delicate, mosquito-like fly with a reddish brown to dusky black body. Adults do not cause any feeding damage, but they lay their eggs on the leaves within 2 to 4 days ...

Small grain-Leafminer Phytomyza nigra Pest description and crop damage Larvae mine the lower leaves of fall-seeded wheat, barley, and rye during the spring following seeding. New spring growth appears to mask injury these larvae may cause. The larvae are ...

Small grain-Omnivorous leaftier Cnephasia longana Pest description and crop damage The larvae of leaftier moths are about 0.625 inch long when fully grown, with a tan head The body is yellowish or gray with a lighter stripe on each side of the back. This ...

Small grain-Sawfly Pachynematus spp. Pest description and crop damage Green, caterpillar-like larvae feed on foliage and developing heads. They have been found mostly on wheat, but they may attack other cereals. They rarely are sufficiently abundant to re ...

Small grain-Slug Management-chemical control iron phosphate (Sluggo Maxx) at 0.1 to 0.46 lb ai/A. PHI 21 days for grain or straw, 3 days for forage, fodder or hay. Retreatment interval 4 days. Some formulations OMRI listed for organic use. liquid metaldeh ...