cycloate (Ro-Neet 6E)
Rate 3 to 4 lb ai/A (0.5 to 0.66 gal/A)
Time Apply preplant to soil dry enough for thorough mixing and, within minutes after application, incorporate 2 to 3 inches deep by cross-disking or using a rotary tiller.
Remarks Use on mineral soils only. Seed may be planted immediately. May be applied after planting and incorporated with sprinkler irrigation. Begin sprinkler incorporation immediately following application, and complete within a 36 hr period using sufficient water to penetrate to a depth of 3-4 inches. If applying to extremely moist soil, losses may be high and weed control poor.
Caution PPE requirements have been modified. Mixers and loaders must use a closed system. Applicators either must wear the type of respirator specified in the PPE section of the label or use an enclosed cab with a properly functioning ventilation system.
Site of action Group 8: lipid synthesis inhibitor but not an ACCase inhibitor
Chemical family Thiocarbamate