Sheep and goat-Lice


Angora goat biting louse (Bovicola crassipes)
Goat biting louse (Bovicola caprae)
Goat sucking louse (Linognathus stenopsis)
Sheep biting louse (Bovicola ovis)
Sheep foot louse (Linognathus pedalis)

Management-chemical control

  • permethrin (spray)-Follow label for dosage depending on severity of infestation and spray location. Spray affected areas or entire body or bedding. Re-treat after 4 to 6 weeks if needed. Remove feed and water while spraying. Do not treat more than once every 14 days.
  • permethrin spray (Atroban 11% EC)-1 pint to 25 gal water (3 tbsp/2.5 gal). Apply 1 to 2 quarts of coarse spray per animal over entire body surface. For mange, scabies, ticks, and lice, thoroughly wet animal. Repeat applications as needed but not more often than once every 2 weeks. Spray lactating dairy animals only after milking is completed. Sheep and goats.
  • permethrin pour-on (Boss)-Pour along backline. Apply 1.5 mL per 50 lb of body weight of animal up to a maximum of 18 mL for any one animal. Repeat as needed. Use no more than once every 2 weeks. Sheep only.
  • permethrin pour-on (Ultra Boss)-Sheep: pour along back; Goats: pour along back and down face. Apply 1.5 mL per 50 lb of body weight of animal up to a maximum of 18 mL for any one animal. Repeat as needed. Use no more than once every 2 weeks. Sheep and goats.
  • permethrin pour-on (Synergized Delice)-Apply 0.25 fl oz (7.5 cc) per 50 lb body weight of animal, up to a maximum of 3 fl oz for any one animal. For optimum control, all animals in the flock should be treated after shearing. Use no more than once every 2 weeks.
  • permethrin dust (Python Dust)-Apply up to 2 oz (6 tablespoons) of dust per animal evenly into the hair over the head, ears, neck, shoulders, back and tailhead. For spinose ear ticks, apply approximately 1/3 oz (1 tablespoon) inside each ear. For stable flies, apply also to legs. Repeat as necessary but not more often than once in 3 days.
  • permethrin + piperonyl butoxide-Usage instructions depend upon concentration. Follow label for dosage and precautions. Sheep only.
  • pyrethrin + piperonyl butoxide-Usage instructions depend upon concentration. Follow label for dosage and precautions.
  • rosemary and peppermint oils-Follow label for dosage and precautions.
  • zeta-cypermethrin with piperonyl butoxide dust-Use at 2 oz per animal. Apply directly to animal. Repeat as necessary, but not more often than once every 3 days.
  • zeta-cypermethrin dust-Apply at 2 oz per animal. Apply directly to animal.