
Trade name(s) Amber

Manufacturer(s) Syngenta

Formulation(s) 75% water-dispersible granules packaged in water-soluble packets

Remarks Selective, postemergence herbicide used in small grains to control certain broadleaf weeds. Carefully consider crop rotation plans before using.

Water solubility 40 ppm at pH 5; 1,500 ppm at pH 7

Storage conditions Stable. Do not expose to light or moisture.

Acute toxicity LD50 - greater than 5,000 mg/kg

Action in plant Interferes with the plant enzyme acetolactate synthase, thus rapidly ending cell division.

Site of action Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor

Chemical family Sulfonylurea

Koc 51.6 mL/g for a silt loam 4.5% OM, and pH 7.2