
Trade name(s) Boa, Cobra, Mongoose

Manufacturer(s) Loveland, Sharda, Valent

Formulation(s) 2 lb/gal emulsifiable concentrate

Remarks A selective, contact herbicide with some preemergence activity. Most active on broadleaf plants.

Water solubility 0.1 ppm

Storage conditions Will not freeze down to 0°F. Negligible decomposition in 2-yr stability tests.

Acute toxicity LD50 - 2,533 mg/kg

Action in plant Thought to result from the generation of toxic oxygen species in the presence of light, resulting in desiccation from peroxidation of membrane lipids.

Site of action Group 14: protoporphyrinogen oxidase inhibitor

Chemical family Diphenylether

Koc Average is 10,000 mL/g (estimated)