
Trade name(s) Gallery, Trellis, Quali-Pro

Manufacturer(s) Corteva, Makhteshim

Formulation(s) 4.1 lb/gal and 75% dry flowable

Remarks A selective preemergence herbicide applied before weed seed germinates. For annual broadleaf weeds in turf and ornamentals.

Water solubility 1 ppm

Storage conditions Stable under moderate conditions. Avoid temperatures above 120°F.

Acute toxicity LD50 - greater than 5,000 mg/kg

Action in plant Appears to disrupt root and hypocotyl development. Susceptible plants die before emerging.

Site of action Group 21: inhibits cell wall synthesis Site B

Chemical family Benzamide

Koc 190 to 570 mL/g