Ternstroemia gymnanthera -Leaf Spots

Latest revision: 
March 2024

Cause Although this plant is considered relatively disease free, a few fungal leaf spots are reported from Southeastern States. These include Elsinoe leucospila (spot anthracnose), Cercospora sp., and Phyllosticta sp. Most of these are favored by rainy moist weather conditions.

Symptoms Cercospora leaf spot-Small brown spots first appear on the mature leaves at the base of the plant in mid- to late winter. Large red to purple blotches often surround the spots on the upper leaf surface. Heavily spotted leaves often turn bright red before they fall to the ground. Leaf spotting starts in the lower limbs and gradually moves upward into the mid-canopy.

Cultural control

  • The cultivar LeAnn is reported to be resistant.
  • Remove diseased leaves when observed.
  • Remove and destroy fallen leaves.

Reference Hagan, A.K. and Akridge, J.R. 2007. Leaf Spot Resistance and Adaptability of Cleyera Selections in South Alabama. Seedling 4:3-7.