Trade name(s) Shieldex
Manufacturer(s) Summit Agro
Formulation(s) 3.33 lb/gal suspension concentrate
Remarks Tolpyralate is a 4-HPPD inhibitor herbicide for postemergence weed control in corn. It is effective against most major broadleaf weeds and has good activity on a number of grass weed species common to corn, including wild proso millet, while displaying excellent crop safety for all types of corn.
Water solubility ppm at pH 7
Storage conditions Store in a cool, dry place. If below freezing, agitate or mix contents of container well before use.
Acute toxicity LD50 - greater than mg/kg
Action in plant Inhibits 4-HPPD enzymes.
Site of action Group 27: inhibits 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvatedioxygenase (4-HPPD)
Chemical family Triketone
Koc 11 to 85 mL/g